
Bitcoin is an electronic currency created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto . The name is also associated with open source software that he designed , and also uses peer-to - peer that connects everything Readmore...



Nowadays , more and more people are looking for ways to start an online business , as a step to earn extra income or who really want to focus a major jump in the farm income . If you are still a beginner , allow me to share experiences on how to start a business through the internet . Readmore..

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Tips on How to Learn Successful Online Business Without Capital Free!

Successful Business Tips on How to Learn Online Free Without Capital . Surely you already know that online business is conducted online , in contrast to Offline conducted in the real world . Readmore...

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How do Bitcoin mining

Bitcoin to be scattered in the wilderness world of the Internet, as many as 21 million restricted Bitcoin. Approximately 11 million coins already owned by those who from the beginning to join in the Bitcoin network, so there are still 10 million more to be mined coins. Looking Bitcoin is similar to mine gold, because that's the term used to refer to mining or digging activities seek Bitcoin. Readmore...


Bitcoin mining

Therein lies the uniqueness of Bitcoin, not only as a user. You can actively participate in creating / making Bitcoin itself. To mine / Mining you need software that is always connected to the Internet, each computer is different mining capabilities more emphasis to the ability of GPU, it is characterized by the speed of the mining process is obtained eg 50MHash / s. Readmore...

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Spark Profit - simulation game that can make money.

Spark Profit is a simulation game, a guessing game applications where the direction of the forex market value.If the forex players need capital money, in this game the players do not need capital money. Players can register forfree and guess whether the price of the currency exchange rate of A to B will go down or up. If the prediction is correct, the player will get a score and the score is the one who will be swapped into dollars. It was released on January 29, 2014 after the previous trial period. Now there are about 20,000 registered players.For now, players can play the major financial markets:
  • EUR / USD (Euro / US Dollar)
  • AUD / USD (Australian Dollar / US Dollar)
  • GBP / USD (Pound / US Dollar)
  • USD / JPY (US Dollar / Yen)
  • Bitcoin
  • Oil (Oil), Gold (Gold), Copper.
  • Nikkei225
  • S & P500
  • EuroStoxx50
This game is a simulation, so the market value of its currency any real time together with the actual exchange rate. Meaning to the forex market, can only be played on Monday-Friday (except Bitcoin is open every day).

What is the purpose Spark Profit and what's in it for them? 
Spark Profit're looking for people with a talent for predicting the market. Prediction markets can be with technical analysis (chart read money) or fundamental (to follow economic news). Later the predicted results of those 'good at guessing' will be combined and become inputs consideration for other players in the real forex market.
This game concept is a kind of pay analyzer which analyzes financial markets are good. So there are tradeoffs between gamers with application developers. player game provides market analysis, and Nous (Spark app makers Profit) using the market analysis of gamers Spark Profit. Because the game players are paid.

Disclaimer of the Spark Profit:
This application simulates only the trade and you will have no risk of loss of money from the use of it. You will never be asked for money by Spark Profit, either to join, to play or to invest. We pay prizes every week but the minimum withdrawal amount is $ 30.00.
Immediately wrote, who want to try, register for free here and can be directly played on smartphone browsers (select Play in the browser). If need BONUS CODE, enter the code: b4qxqR

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Saturday, October 18, 2014


Since being acquired by Google, Admob now starting much ogled by the publisher to display the blog and website ads. Ads from AdMob is only performed when a visitor opens the blog from mobile devices such as the browser Opera Mini on the phone . Ads will not show the original blog which is accessed from a desktop computer, a netbook or laptop. So if your blog is opened on the phone a lot then take advantage of the advertising from AdMob to earn money from clicksby visitors to the ad.
If you have installed MobilePress plugin , you can install the script with the help of Aduity Admob notabenenya is MobilePress plugin maker will menanyangkan ads in the standard template MobilePress. However, when this article was created, no longer accept registration for some reason. But do not worry because there is no way back forAdmob ads in the template manually MobilePress . We will try to insert the script into a plugin MobilePress Admob ads to show blog.
Below is how to attach the manual scripts Admob without Aduity list:
  1. Once you register Admob and add blogs, take the script to be placed in blog php.
  2. Log in to Admob select the " Sites & Apps ", then click " manage settings "on the blog that will take the script.
  3. Click the " Get Publisher Code "and copy the script php that appear.
  4. Insert / paste into notepad , at the end of the script to add the code ?> as a cover for a script in Admob less code php ?> as a cover.
    Paste script
  5. Save the script with the name admob.php , do not forget in the Save as type: select "All files ". In order to more easily save it on the computer desktop.
  6. Now it's time to upload a file admob.php MobilePress folder, precisely in folder wp-content / plugins / MobilePress / system / themes / default /. You can use FTP to upload files admob.php, but I suggest using the Cpanel hosting because we are also going to edit the template file MobilePress. Therefore, please log in to Cpanel hosting where you store files blog.
  7. In Cpanel select menu " File Manager ", after open a file manager window go to the folder (public_html) wp-content -> plugins -> MobilePress -> System -> themes -> default , then select the " Upload "which is at the top.

  8. Then it will open a window to upload a file , click Browse and select the fileadmob.php that has been made ​​in step no.5.
  9. Once the file upload is complete, return to the File Manager click one file index.phpand then click the menu Code Editor to edit the index.php file.
  10. Text editor window will open, look for the words <h2> Latest Blog Posts </ h2> and replace with the following code:
    <H2> Latest Blog Posts </ h2>
    <? php include 'admob.php'; ?>
    <? php echo admob_request ($ admob_params); ?>
    </ div>
    Subsequently click the button "Save Changes" to save the changes .
  11. If you want to display AdMob in the post then edit the file also single .php with the code editor. In file single php search code <? php the_content (); ?> and replace / overwrite with this code:
    <? php include 'admob.php'; ?> 
    </ div>
    <? php the_content (); ?> <div> <? php echo admob_request ($ admob_params); ?> </ div>

    The above code will add AdMob ads above and below the article.
  12. Open your blog through a mobile phone , if it appears tulusan "AdMob Test Ad" means that the installation is correct, but you have to edit the file admob.php that have been uploaded for your ad to appear in the blog. The trick is in the windows file manager in Cpanel hosting, edit the file admob.php with the Code Editor.
  13. Search kode  'TEST_MODE' => true , replace the words true to false. So menjadi 'TEST_MODE' => false  . This is done so that the script asks ads from Admob and display them on the blog.
  14. Now try the test again, open your blog from a mobile phone. If the ads do not appear wait a few minutes, sometimes takes a long time to appear because it depends on the availability of the ads in Admob ads.
For the experiments in addition to the blog membuak phone , you can also use the application opera mini and then run the jar emulator like sjboy.
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AdMob to Earn Money on Android App

Today's post is AdMob to Earn Money on the Android App or How To Make Money on Android App? The continued development of the era of the digital world that is increasingly sophisticated, then a lot of this in the use of a mobile advertising company in particular to carry out a promotional campaign or advertisement.
There are two ways to earn money from the Android App But for this, you must have or publish your application on Android Market. Without publish it in the Android Market, you can not make money. Why ? You will get an answer by the end of this post. Display AdSense In Your Phone

Sounds Good? Obviously what could be better than Adsense to generate some revenue. You can add Adsense to the Android App to get the money. For this, you must create an account at AdMob .

What's Admob?

In simple words, AdMob is a mobile version of Adsense . It is used for Android Apps . You do not need to create a new account. You just use the existing Adsense account.

How Regestrasi AdMob in Android Apps?

1 - Open AdMob
2 - Go to your Adsense account is Gmail. 3 - Register with AdMob 4 - Select Payment Method ( Paypal Option Available ) 5 - Add the Android Market App Link . ( This is why I said above that you should have to publish your application on the market because only AdMob registers Published Apps. You'll get your App Market link after you publish it in the Android Market ) 6 - Once approved, you will get a unique code. Now this code you have to put in ibuildapp where your application is hosted.

Follow the pictures to explain everything:

This is the URL of your App Android Market. You just need to copy and paste the code highlighted in Admob.

Now you have your Admob Publisher Id . Copy this.

Now back to ibuildapp -> My Apps ----> App Management ----> App Settings
Scroll down to and select the Admob ads section. Paste and Save your Publisher ID.

END ..!

It will take up to 24 hours to start showing ads in the app.


Admob has excellent features which SHOWING GOOGLE ADS. This means that when no ads are shown on your application, it will display Google Ads on your App.

Admob your income apart from Adsense. You will be paid via Paypal.

To turn and had to turn this feauture, go to your Settings App Admob as shown in the figure below. This is the last picture of you when AdMob AdMob account will be activated within 24 hours, the status will change green color.

2 - Make Money with Direct Advertisers

Now this is very difficult but it can be effective if your application receives good statistics. If you have good stats than you can contact any advertisers to advertise on your application, but you have to do this manually. As I mentioned at the beginning of the post which is why it is important to publish your app in the Market, this is the answer. You will get the statistics only if your App Published in the Market so you can show the statistics to advertisers from your Market account.

To place an ad directly, simply add the banner and the url of an advertiser. Go to the Advertising Section of your application in ibuildapp instead Admob option, click the HTML option.

Need Help?

Hope this will help most of you to put your skills to better use. If you have questions related to your android app or if you need more ideas on how you can be a developer in the android market then do not hesitate to send your inquiries. Would be happy to help you to the best of my ability.
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