Friday, March 14, 2014




Bitcoin is an electronic currency created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto . The name is also associated with open source software that he designed , and also uses peer-to - peer that connects everything . Unlike general currency , bitcoin does not depend on the trust major publishers . Bitcoin uses a distributed database and spread to nodes - nodes of a P2P network to journal transactions , and uses cryptography to provide functions - basic security functions , such as ensuring that bitcoin - bitcoin can only be spent by people have it , and should not be done more than once .

The design of Bitcoin allows for ownership without identity ( anonymous ) and transfer of wealth . Bitcoin - bitcoin can be stored on a personal computer in a file format wallet or stored by a third party wallet service , and in spite of all that Bitcoin - bitcoin can be sent via the Internet to anyone who has a Bitcoin address . Topology peer-to - peer bitcoin and lack of a single administration makes it impossible for the authority , any government , to manipulate the value of bitcoin - bitcoin or cause inflation by producing more bitcoin .

In short bitcoin electronic currency that is based on the most recent technology and began to be preferred as a substitute for gold . Bitcoin itself is made from a combination of various technologies of cryptografi , economic and network to form a program that consists of a network of peer - to-peer solid and almost impossible to attack , technological or rather a new currency is called cryptocurrency . Bitcoin is ultimately serves as currency .

Based DailyDotCom use Bitcoin or cryptografi currency continues to increase dramatically . Year 2012 and the highest point of the transaction were achieved by reaching 58,000 transactions per day . Now after the new year Bitcoin transactions hold steady at the point of 50,000 transactions per day . Enthusiastic Internet users continue to use the Internet as a currency bitcoin purely digital . Even giants like WordPress is now accepting bitcoin currency in the provision of services . Based on Forbes alternative currency bitcoin become popular because of the ease of use , the system is decentralized and available access to all the main attraction in this currency .

Bitcoin itself even been rumored to be the main rival of the banking industry . Macleans said that unlike Bitcoin online currency that ever existed on the internet . Decentralized system means that the circulation of money can not be regulated by anyone . And just like cash money , bitcoin transactions occur directly from person to person without intermediaries so that the shipping cost is very minimal and these transactions occur without any constraints . Decentralized systems also maintain the security and privacy of the owner bitcoin currency bitcoin ensure that they can not be frozen by anyone . The use of bitcoin itself also continues to increase . Mt.Gox , the largest bitcoin exchanger show that they have done a bitcoin exchange with the dollar up to a fantastic point of $ 3 million dollars at the rate of 1 bitcoin to 13 dollars . Bitcoin future is forecast to continue to rise and will continue to grow bitcoin users .


Like any other currency Bitcoin has been used in many places such as :

  1. Trade in goods generally like Buy & Sell Forum : Bitmit , BitcoinMarketPlace .
  2. Bitcoin exchange with other currencies such as USD , Yen , Euro , etc. : mtgox , bitcoincharts .
  3. Forex using bitcoin : Bit4X , FirstNationaLib .
  4. Bitcoin wallet storage service providers . Functioning like a Paypal account , LR etc : BlockChain , CoinBase , WalletBit .
  5. To know more about bitcoin you can see in or .

Now I will share how to get bitcoin for FREE , but before getting Bitcoin , you should have a place to store Bitcoin wallet that you get . To make bitcoin wallet , please follow the instructions below :

  • Open Blockchain site or click HERE .
  • Click Wallet 
  • Click Start A New Wallet and you will be entered in the registration form page .
  • To fill out the registration form please follow the steps as follows :
  1. Alias ​​: can be filled with your name or other text that is useful to help log into your wallet .
  2. Password : Your password must be at least 10 characters with a combination of letters , numbers and symbols . Remember password you make , because there will be no password reset feature that can eventually make you lose your wallet account .
  3. Captcha : captcha contents according to the characters that appear above it .
  4. If you are finished , click Continue and you can log in to the wallet that you created above .
  • Once you are logged in to the wallet that was created earlier , you will be given the address wallet as a means to receive and send bitcoin . Address your wallet in the form of a mixture of numbers and hutuf example : 1M97fjvJCbL7WtxR7XxgRLVuudXKAFrmpQ .

If you already have a bitcoin wallet , it is time I will share where you can get free bitcoin .

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