Nowadays , more and more people are looking for ways to start an online business , as a step to earn extra income or who really want to focus a major jump in the farm income .
If you are still a beginner , allow me to share experiences on how to start a business through the internet .
I will discuss about the steps that are required when starting an online business , the core things that are important to do so that your business can be directly executed .
( Especially for those who are just starting to venture into this )
If I may say , in fact many things we can do . However , in a nutshell , there are three main steps that we can prepare . What are these steps ?
Stay tuned ...
First of all is decide what you want to sell .
Before actually undergoing a business cycle , you have to practice to sell via the internet first. Approximately what would you offer to other people through online media . Regarding products , can form physical goods , or digital .
Examples of physical goods , herbal soaps , herbal remedies , watches , smartphones , motorcycles , cars , food , trinkets accessories , houses and buildings , and what you can catch .
For digital goods , could be an ebook , product information , online courses , software , website services, online marketing services , and others .
Do not be too detailed . Important that you have the big picture of your plan and understand the patterns of online marketing .
Well , based on my experience , the first step is the hardest .
Why ?
Because we have to arrange our business concept , looking for ideas , looking for suppliers , and even would not want to have to learn the science of business . Then the obstacle is , sometimes we want everything perfect . And finally do not even walk.
I suggest , for this initial stage should not be too detailed first . You must be willing to invest time , effort , and possibly money , to learn .
The next stage is to create a website .
Here you 'll be much struggling with things that are technical in nature , such as learning to install the application site , and perhaps a little learning web programming language .
To create a website , you will need a domain name and hosting .
What is a domain ? And what is hosting ?
Domain is the name of your website , for example: .
Like a house , a domain name is the address of your home . So try when you decide to make the domain name , customize with your name , or the topic of your website , or your business type .
Hosting is a place to put your domain name .
If using the above analogy , it is like a hosting ground . The greater the capacity of hosting , it will be more knowledgeable of land the size of your home .
For the early stages , you may not need a hosting space that is too large .
You can prepare the lease money for hosting , and to purchase a domain name .
But remember , the domain name is valid only for a year , so next year if you still want to use it , you must do the extension . So also for hosting .
Maybe for those who really just started , will say " Lah , but it was necessary expense ? "
Quiet .... The good news is you can still create a website for free . For that , you can begin to create a website with a free blog .
There are several free blog providers , of which there are famous as WordPress, Blogspot , Typepad , Posterous , Tumblr , and many more .
But if I may suggest , use WordPress or Blogspot . Since both of these blogs providers are well-known by Internet users in the world , and also more easily recognized by search engines like Google , Yahoo , and Bing .
Or , if you still want to create a professional business website with its own domain name , but you still too busy to make it yourself , you can outsource it to a provider of website creation services are widely available on the internet . Or it could just ask your friends who have already made plain to make a web .
How , still want to go .. ? Consider the following three steps ...
Once your website is finished , you can fill it with information products / services that you have. Fill your website content convincingly . Do not just copy and paste , but try to use words that are appropriate to put on your website . Since this will be a means of promotion and online office .
After that , if the website content is already available , you can begin to promote it through search engines like Google , Yahoo , Bing with SEO techniques , or utilizing social media sites such as Facebook , Twitter , Pinterest for promotion .
Wake up relationships with visitors , give the information they need . Maybe they do not directly buy your product , but when they get the information needed , then their confidence will grow , so it is likely they will buy your product on the greater .
Well , that's the big picture three steps how to start an online business .
Conclusion : CTPM is the key .
C = Content , create informative content and targeted consumers
T = Traffic , bring traffic via search engines / social media / word of mouth
P = Pre -sell , build relationships with the audience / visitors
M = Monetize , offer solutions required by prospective customers
For those of you who want to learn more serious about online business , I recommend to look for a mentor . He will guide you in the early days of business building .
AFTER THAT ..... ?
Just like other kinds of business .
When you decide to build an online business course there are some things you should consider .
However , of all things , the most important is your mindset .
Determining factor of success of a business , 95 % is determined by the quality of the human person . These are the things that are non - technical . And the rest is technical in nature .
You may have the expertise to create a sophisticated web , with a variety of features and a cool look .
But if you do not have a vision of your ability , do not have the passion to learn and survive , so the same . Your business will be that much - much alone .
Keep give more value added to those around you , for the good of others . By doing so , you will find the reason why your business online .
Is not our main business goal is to be able to serve more people , and more useful for others ?
Anyway, you should also read the article about the business tips I've ever written on this blog .
Tips on when to start an online business
And if it is felt tips on how to start an online business is useful, share it with friends , relatives , even your spouse , and especially for those who are in need of extra income to be able to immediately take action to change lives better .