Friday, March 14, 2014

Tips on How to Learn Successful Online Business Without Capital Free!


Cara Belajar Bisnis Online Gratis Tanpa Modal

Successful Business Tips on How to Learn Online Free Without Capital . Surely you already know that online business is conducted online , in contrast to Offline conducted in the real world .

For an online business without capital , it is a great one . There is no such thing as an online business without capital .. All it takes minimum internet connection of course have to spend money . OK , so let 's discuss the core of an online business .

In doing business online , there are three important things you should know and do , ie ..
Captivity ( Products and Services ) you . This is the most important part of doing business online , what is not , if you do not have a product or service , what would you sell ?
Visitors ( Traffic and Pageviews ) . In addition to making a product , you have to do next is to introduce your product . I will explain in the points the description below .
Conversion ( Convert visitors into buyers ) . Traffic overflow but could not make the visitor into a buyer would be worse than a little traffic but many are purchasing .
So it is essential 3 ways to successfully do business online . Please read the descriptions below ..

Offer ( Products and Services )

Free Online Business learning should Make Your Product , eg KambingJika you are a blogger , then you can use your website to place your products . In this way , the potential of your purchase is greater than those who only promote their products on Social Media such as Facebook , Twitter , and others .

You 've got a product means having the potential to make money , even if your product is minimal because the people who buy the products that are less popular .

What if you do not have the original product you want to sell ? It's easy, you can sell a product or service people . If very few people who want to ask for help , you can follow the program " Aflliasi " , " Freelance work " and others . 2 working an online business does not need a website , a website just to help you work more famous ..

Things you should consider more is known and beat your competitors . For example, if you have a site that wants to sell catfish catfish online , you must know your competitors . If in google , you have to beat a competitor blog rank position so that the potential value of clicks , visitors , and more sales .

Visitors ( Traffic and Pageviews )

This is the next most important , visitors . If there are no visitors , how you purchased the product ? So , you can read my article : How to increase blog visitors

You should know that most site visitors are generating Google and Social Media . Google and Facebook are the most visited sites of people every day , there are more than thousands and even millions of people visiting the site .

It can exploit if you understand . Through google you can rank your keywords , visitors can , buy , can profit . While Facebook can be utilized through " fanspage " , create a page and describe about your product .

Tips to attract visitors from Google
You surely know that the title of my article is very interesting and very prominent when viewed from Google . This is one way to attract visitors in google in addition to adding photos in the SERP . Show that the title of your article is more prominent than the others . In this way, the value will be even greater visitor clicks .

Conversions ( visitors into buyers )

Nilai Konversi sangat penting dalam Belajar Bisnis Online GratisConversion value is very important in Learning Online Business GratisIni is the last part , and make sure you do it right . There are a lot of bloggers are doing business online out there who already have a lot of visitors every day , but failed to make the most diantarannya visitors into buyers .

If you offer a product , you should include the price , mode of payment , and way of confirming payment, That's it ! Because if you do not tell it , visitors will assume that your product is fake .. Or maybe visitors would not be buying because there is no payment details . It would be a waste of your hard work in improving the visitor , beating competitors , and make the product .

Free Online Learning If it 's easy , why do many fail ?

They may only concerned with content , always writing and without thinking about other important things like SEO . They do not even know how to SEO a website to rank keywords ditargetkannya ..

Most of them only use Social Media as a medium to promote his blog and Traffic gained only limited to the promotion only. If no promotion , how its traffic ? Likely to be down 80 % from normal ( my friend experience ) ..

It was still tolerable than never menSEO and its web promotion ...

Not getting a lot of visits , no one is interested in the product , without any conversion value ; . Huft , it is very uncomfortable for people who do business online .

Advice from me : You should give priority to traffic from google , because 80 % of visitors came from Search Engines . One more thing , if you focus on traffic from Google alone , it was a nightmare ..

Maybe it's only 3 things you need to know in Free Online Business Learning without this capital . Hopefully this article useful to you and thank you for visiting this blog and read the article

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