Since being acquired by Google, Admob now starting much ogled by the publisher to display the blog and website ads. Ads from AdMob is only performed when a visitor opens the blog from mobile devices such as the browser Opera Mini on the phone . Ads will not show the original blog which is accessed from a desktop computer, a netbook or laptop. So if your blog is opened on the phone a lot then take advantage of the advertising from AdMob to earn money from clicksby visitors to the ad.
If you have installed MobilePress plugin , you can install the script with the help of Aduity Admob notabenenya is MobilePress plugin maker will menanyangkan ads in the standard template MobilePress. However, when this article was created, no longer accept registration for some reason. But do not worry because there is no way back forAdmob ads in the template manually MobilePress . We will try to insert the script into a plugin MobilePress Admob ads to show blog.
Below is how to attach the manual scripts Admob without Aduity list:
- Once you register Admob and add blogs, take the script to be placed in blog php.
- Log in to Admob select the " Sites & Apps ", then click " manage settings "on the blog that will take the script.
- Click the " Get Publisher Code "and copy the script php that appear.
- Insert / paste into notepad , at the end of the script to add the code ?> as a cover for a script in Admob less code php ?> as a cover.
- Save the script with the name admob.php , do not forget in the Save as type: select "All files ". In order to more easily save it on the computer desktop.
- Now it's time to upload a file admob.php MobilePress folder, precisely in folder wp-content / plugins / MobilePress / system / themes / default /. You can use FTP to upload files admob.php, but I suggest using the Cpanel hosting because we are also going to edit the template file MobilePress. Therefore, please log in to Cpanel hosting where you store files blog.
- In Cpanel select menu " File Manager ", after open a file manager window go to the folder (public_html) wp-content -> plugins -> MobilePress -> System -> themes -> default , then select the " Upload "which is at the top.
- Then it will open a window to upload a file , click Browse and select the fileadmob.php that has been made in step no.5.
- Once the file upload is complete, return to the File Manager click one file index.phpand then click the menu Code Editor to edit the index.php file.
- Text editor window will open, look for the words <h2> Latest Blog Posts </ h2> and replace with the following code:<H2> Latest Blog Posts </ h2>
<? php include 'admob.php'; ?>
<? php echo admob_request ($ admob_params); ?>
</ div>Subsequently click the button "Save Changes" to save the changes . - If you want to display AdMob in the post then edit the file also single .php with the code editor. In file single php search code <? php the_content (); ?> and replace / overwrite with this code:<Div>
<? php include 'admob.php'; ?>
</ div>
<? php the_content (); ?> <div> <? php echo admob_request ($ admob_params); ?> </ div>The above code will add AdMob ads above and below the article. - Open your blog through a mobile phone , if it appears tulusan "AdMob Test Ad" means that the installation is correct, but you have to edit the file admob.php that have been uploaded for your ad to appear in the blog. The trick is in the windows file manager in Cpanel hosting, edit the file admob.php with the Code Editor.
- Search kode 'TEST_MODE' => true , replace the words true to false. So menjadi 'TEST_MODE' => false  . This is done so that the script asks ads from Admob and display them on the blog.
- Now try the test again, open your blog from a mobile phone. If the ads do not appear wait a few minutes, sometimes takes a long time to appear because it depends on the availability of the ads in Admob ads.
For the experiments in addition to the blog membuak phone , you can also use the application opera mini and then run the jar emulator like sjboy.